So last night I decided to watch the eleven o'clock news, you know channel 6 with that weather girl with the big tits. While I was staring at her jugs I happened to overhear the word snow, and sure enough the next morning brought a blanket of cold gray snow. Obviously my favorite weather seeing as I have to ride my bike down to the lake. I had to bang the ice off of my lock on the fire escape when I got down on the ground, some dick tried to yell out at me for waking him up. Probably just another drunk with a hangover. Anyways, I was going through this slush on the side of the road when some jackass walking his dog steps out in the road in front of me. I tried to swerve but ended up lying in the snow. So I got up and started yelling at this guy. Guess what, guy is blind. Dog was one of those helper dogs. Now felt like shit in two ways, I yelled at a poor blind guy and I was covered in dirty slush. So after another miserable day out on the water and on my way home I saw another beautiful sight. A fucking tree had fallen and knocked out the power. My building got power back soon but the damage was done. That building might as well have paper walls, it was colder inside than it was out. I pulled out all of my blankets and went to bed cold and alone.
...Poppy Harlow?
ReplyDeleteOoops, I did it again.
ReplyDeleteIn retrospect, I probably shouldn't have pulled on that fire alarm. It SEEMED like a good idea at the time, but now I just feel kind of guilty. I remember I had done that once in middle school and gotten caught, but I never really got in much trouble. The teachers all bitched me out and I got I.S.S. for 2 days, but that was it. This time though, there was no WAY anyone was finding out. I thought it would be hilarious. I guess not. All I really did was waste a few hours of the fireman's time. But oh well. Fuck it. At least it took up my afternoon.
I am walking towards the bank. I need some cash. Actually I don't NEED cash, but I strongly desire it. Because I want a mini-scooter. But that's beside the point. The point is, as I am walking up the road I accidently smack into some random guy who is walking on the wrong side of the road.
"What the Fuck?" He says to me, "watch where you're fucking going!" He is of average height, with scraggly clothes and a roughly kept beard. He smells strongly of fish.
"Fuck you." I reply cordially, slowly raising my middle finger up in front of his face.
"Fuck." He mumbles and stumbles away down the road.
"What the fuck?" I wonder as I walk the opposite way, towards the bank.
I look around me and realize how beautiful of a day it is outside. I have never truly realized how nice it can be outside, even in this piece of shit excuse for a town. If my name was James Wright, I might even go as far as to say that because I have never really noticed the beauty around me, I have wasted my life. I would however, respectfully disagree with him.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
ReplyDelete"Shut up!" Sirens awoke me quicker then any nightmare could've. I opened my eyes to find myself passed out in the middle of my floor.
My mouth tasted like ass (or old PBR, same thing) and the sun shined way too brightly through the window. The sheet I tacked, no, taped up had fallen; not like it made a difference anyway since there was a huge hole in the middle and it was thin as paper. Whatever.
When I finally convinced myself to get up and make coffee I made a frightening discovery, I was out of coffee. Well shit. I threw on jeans and my brother's old ninja turtle sweatshirt and headed out the door for the pharmacy.
Outside the sirens blared throughout the streets, attracting neighbors from their apartments. I began to cross the street when a biker zoomed right toward me and I jumped out of the way to avoid him,
"fffuuucckkk..." I landed on my back onto a patch of ice. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the same dumbass standing over me. He reeked, not even a normal stink though. He smelled like old tequilla, fish and way too much lube.
"God almighty, I ain't never a chick like you before! Wait, wait, lemme guess, Bridget?"
"No.." He reached out his right hand a considering his stink I declined.
"I'm alright, thanks," I hoisted myself up and looked at the scraggly mess in front of me
"I'm real sorry, I didn't..uh..see-"
"Are you staring at my tits?" He was, it wasn't a question.
"Yeah..sorry. Listen, I was just trying to chase them hoodlums that pulled the alarm. Sorry I made you bust your ass." I smiled, despite being dirty and an idiot, there was a charm about him.
"It's alright, I gotta go...I perform at the Jaguar, you should come by sometime." As I walked away he murmured,
"A stripper! Who'd a thought!"
I'm taking Jojo to that abandoned lot today, the one over by Lu's garage. I promise myself I can get a hot milk at the coffee shop if I go out. I like the ones with almond syrup, but no whipped cream. I hate whipped cream. Anyway, the flipping lot is a let down. This Lu guy must toss all of his reject parts there, and after I decide I don't want to have to take Jojo to get a tetanus shot, we leave.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as we turn onto Pulaski Jojo pulls on his leash. My drink sloshes onto the flannel jacket I've worn the last four days. I think the laundromat should give me a discount for using all of my hot water, but so far my arguments have been unsuccessful.
I guess I wasn't watching where I was walking. I am jolted out of my thoughts when a rude man, cursing worse than my uncle after six rounds of whiskey, runs right into Jojo. Neither Jojo nor the slightly overweight man seem to have noticed, though, so I take a step backward to survey all the people milling around. I don't go out much, but this is ridiculous. I ask the frizzy-haired woman next to me if she knows what is going on. The only response I get is the overwhelming stench of alcohol and cigarettes burned too long. Don't ask me how I know what too long is. But the stench reminds me of home. Warm tears trickle down my numb face as I rush back to my flat, unsure whether they're from the cold or the place I'm running from.