So last night I decided to watch the eleven o'clock news, you know channel 6 with that weather girl with the big tits. While I was staring at her jugs I happened to overhear the word snow, and sure enough the next morning brought a blanket of cold gray snow. Obviously my favorite weather seeing as I have to ride my bike down to the lake. I had to bang the ice off of my lock on the fire escape when I got down on the ground, some dick tried to yell out at me for waking him up. Probably just another drunk with a hangover. Anyways, I was going through this slush on the side of the road when some jackass walking his dog steps out in the road in front of me. I tried to swerve but ended up lying in the snow. So I got up and started yelling at this guy. Guess what, guy is blind. Dog was one of those helper dogs. Now felt like shit in two ways, I yelled at a poor blind guy and I was covered in dirty slush. So after another miserable day out on the water and on my way home I saw another beautiful sight. A fucking tree had fallen and knocked out the power. My building got power back soon but the damage was done. That building might as well have paper walls, it was colder inside than it was out. I pulled out all of my blankets and went to bed cold and alone.