So its my day off. I was kinda pissed that the weather was actually decent today, you know, because recently I've had to go out on that damn boat in such shitty weather and now it's nice, on my day off. So with my time off I decided to clean the shithole I live in. I mean a cleaning has long been overdue so I thought I might do something good for myself. Then some little fuck pulled the fire alarm. I couldn't believe it. Maybe it's a sign that I should never try to do anything to better my life. Just accept my life sucks and keep on truckin. God damn it. So anyways I have to go outside into the cold while the fire department takes forever getting to the building and then some chick was saying they have to go through every floor. Wonderful, I got to be out in this damn cold all day long now. Anyways I went and picked up a 12 pack and headed over to the park to kill time. So I'm trying to find a place to sit and there's this one bench thats getting a lot of sun so I decided to head over there. There was some chick sitting on it also with some papers. She was thin but still good looking. I thought that maybe if I was lucky I wouldn't have to pay to get laid. So I sat down next to her and she threw me a dirty look, like I was a walking corpse or something. Nothing new to me but I shot a glance at her papers and saw she was writing poetry. You've got to be kidding me. That little defenseless chick lives here and squanders her time away with art. Honey needs a reality check because here that won't get you anything. All art really is just a waste of time and energy. It doesn't make a difference. What, seeing some painting or reading some novel is going to change my life. Yeah you can count on that happening. I'll quit my job and starve to death because my paintings suck. Thats a very noble lifestyle. Whatever, if all that chick does is write then maybe in a month I will be able to pay her for some pleasure. So I guess art is good for something.